The beams for repair to the Gaysville Bridge will be in next week. Contractor can start next Friday 10/25/24. Expected completion of repairs is early November.
11/8/24 The new steel beams are in place and the contractor plans to be finishing up on Monday. Once they contractor is done, VTANS will have to do another inspection, before allowing the bridge to open up for traffic.
11/12/24 VTRANS will be instecting the Gaysville Bridge tomorrow 9/13/24 morning.
11/15/24- VTRANS, and the towns’s engineer (Stantec) are meeting this morning to determine IF and when the bridge can re-open and what the weight restrictions will be.
11/15/24 Another inspection is being done today and another meeting this afternoon between VTRANS and Stantec.
11/22/24: After consulting with Stantec and reviewing the load ratings that were provided by Stantec following the new stringers and areas of concern that were found following another inspection, the Town may reopen Stockbridge B35 with the 6 Ton posting signs on both ends of the structure. While these repairs have been made, under Stantec supervision, we will still be inspecting the structure on a reduced frequency and changes to this could happen at follow up inspections. Spencer Howard, P.E. | Bridge Management & Bridge Inspection Program Manager Vermont Agency of Transportation