Municiple Road Crews

October 04, 2024

At Town Fair in Killington on October 2, the Vermont League of Cites and Towns honored municipal highway crews for their work putting our communities back together after the floods of 2023 and 2024 by presenting them with a 2024 VLCT Municipal Service Award.  

During the presentation of the award, VLCT President and Montpelier City Manager Bill Fraser said: 
“The July 2024 flooding resulted in more than $116 million in road and bridge damage to municipal roads in 133 of our cities and towns. The July 2024 hit 42 percent of our municipalities, impacting roads and bridges in 66 municipalities, including many that felt the wrath of the 2023 flooding.  
In the hours, days, and months following these floods, you could hardly turn your head without seeing a news story about a town’s road crew rushing to reconnect a Vermonter to civilization, replacing a culvert, or miraculously making tons of dirt and stone appear where gaping holes existed just hours before. VLCT is pleased to present a 2024 Municipal Service Award to our road crews.” 
Killington Selectboard Chair Jim Haff and Killington Public Works employee Gerald Pfeifenberger accepted the award on behalf of all municipal road crews in Vermont.