RSUD Annual Meeting





The legal voters of the Rochester Stockbridge Unified District, consisting of the towns of Rochester and Stockbridge, are hereby notified and warned to meet at the Stockbridge Campus of the Rochester Stockbridge Unified District, in Stockbridge, Vermont on May 7, 2024 at 7:00 PM to consider and act upon the following articles (1-10) and to discuss the article to be voted upon by Australian ballot (Article 11 only). 


Article 1:     To elect a Moderator who shall assume office immediately and serve a one-year term or until the election and qualification of a successor.


Article 2:     To elect a School District Clerk who shall assume office July 1, 2024 and serve a one-year term or until the election and qualification of a successor.


Article 3:     To elect a School District Treasurer who shall assume office July 1, 2024 and serve a one-year term or until the election and qualification of a successor.


Article 4:     To fix the salaries in the amount of $2,000 for Board Chair, $1,350 each for Vice Chair & Clerk, $1,100 for all other members for the School District Officers for the 2024-2025 school year.


Article 5:     To fix the salary in the amount of $1,300 for the School District Treasurer for the 2024-2025 school year.


Article 6:     Shall the voters authorize the School Board to borrow money by issuance of notes not in excess of anticipated revenue for the fiscal year July 1, 2024 through June 30, 2025?


Article 7:     Shall the voters of the school district approve the school board to expend $4,840,551 which is the amount the school board has determined to be necessary for the ensuing fiscal year?  It is estimated that this proposed budget, if approved, will result in education spending of $12,470.12 per equalized pupil. 


Article 8:     Shall the voters authorize the School Board to transfer part of the audited fund balance existing on June 30, 2023, estimated to total $389,460 in an amount not to exceed $260,000 to the Rochester Stockbridge Capital Improvements & Maintenance of facilities fund?


Article 9:     To transact any other business which may legally come before this meeting. 


Article 10:   To adjourn the meeting


For the purpose of voting by Australian ballot: 


Voters of the Town of Rochester will vote at the Rochester Town Offices in Rochester, Vermont. The Polls will open on Wednesday, May 8, 2024 at 10:00 AM and close at 7:00 PM.


Voters of the Town of Stockbridge will vote at the Stockbridge Town Offices in Stockbridge, Vermont.  The Polls will open on Wednesday, May 8, 2024 at 10:00 AM and close at 7:00 PM. 


The legal voters of the Rochester Stockbridge Unified School District are further notified that voter qualification and registration relative to said meeting shall be as provided in Section 706(u) of Title 16, and Chapters 43, 51 and 55 of Title 17, Vermont Statutes Annotated.




To be voted by Australian ballot on Wednesday, May 8, 2024:  


Article 11:   To elect Directors to the Rochester Stockbridge Unified School District as follows:


Rochester Voters to elect:

Rochester Candidate                          1 Director for a three (3) year term.


Stockbridge Voters to elect:

Stockbridge Candidate                       1 Director for a three (3) year term.



Dated this _____________th day of March, 2024 in ___________________, Vermont.


___________________                                              __________________________

Amy Wildt, Chair                                                         Robert Meagher, Director


_____________________                                          __________________________

Bill Edgerton, Vice-Chair                                            Cynthia McPhetres, Director


_____________________                                          __________________________

Patrick Hudson, Clerk                                                 Justine Cavacas, Director     




Received for the record and recorded this ___________ day of March, 2024 by:


__________________________________________________, Clerk of the District