2024 Grand list notice

Please review below for Grievence information

Town Of Stockbridge


Notice is hereby given in accordance with 32 V.S.A. § 4111 that the undersigned listers within and for the Town/City of Stockbridge have this day completed the abstract of individual lists of property owners as of the first day of April 2024.  The listers have this same day lodged the abstract in the office of the clerk for the inspection of taxpayers.  On the 18th day of June 2024 at 4:00pm., the undersigned listers will meet at the Stockbridge Town Office 1722 VT RTE 100, Stockbridge VT, to hear appeals of taxpayers aggrieved by actions of the listers from whom timely grievances have been received.  To be timely, such grievance must be in writing and received (postmarks not accepted) by the close of business on the 18th day of June 2024.  At the close of grievance hearings, the listers shall make such corrections in the abstract as were determined upon hearing or otherwise.  Unless cause to the contrary is shown, the contents of said abstract will, for the tax year 2024, become the grand list of the town/city of each taxpayer named therein.


Signed at Stockbridge in the County of Windsor this 4th day of June 2024.


Town/City of Stockbridge


Beth Dawley

Richard Furman